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5 Ways to Use Coconut Oil for Weight Loss ダイエットのためのココナッツオイルの使い方 5こ!

There are essentially two types of coconut oil — virgin and refined.

Virgin coconut oil (VCO), is made by pressing fresh coconut meat, milk or milk residue.

Refined, or RBD, oil is made from the coconut copra or dried kernel and may be chemically


Choose virgin coconut oil because it is prepared with no chemicals in the process.

In order to help you lose some weight, coconut oil can be used in several ways in the kitchen.

These include:




1 Nut butters | ナッツバター

With nuts being so healthy for your body, consider preparing nut butter for good health and weight loss. To prepare this, grind two cups of cashews or almonds with two tablespoons of coconut oil until the mixture is smooth and buttery. You can throw in some honey, ground coffee, cinnamon, or maple syrup to add more flavor. Feel free to use nut butter on toast, English muffins, or bagels for a delicious and healthy breakfast.


2 Baked foods | 焼き菓子に

Since coconut oil can be used under high temperatures, you can use it to replace butter when baking foods like cookies, muffins, cakes, and brownies. Coconut oil can be used to substitute other oils (as well as butter) in nearly all baking recipes. To bake with coconut oil, replace your other oil by using a 1:1 ratio.


3 Roasted vegetables | 野菜のオーブン焼き

Vegetables like zucchini, beets, sweet potatoes, and butternut squash can be brushed with a mixture of thyme, lemon juice, coconut oil, salt and pepper to give them a desirable coconut flavor. Go ahead and sauté them using coconut oil or brush them with it and cook them on the grill. There’s nothing like grilled vegetables!


4 Popcorn | ポップコーン

Coconut oil is known to nicely pop corn kernels when it is used instead of normal vegetable fat. Hold off on the butter to maximize your weight loss regimen.



5 Smoothies | スムージーに

You can add coconut oil to your smoothies or other beverages, such as your morning coffee.


This photo is a New product from Good day's Bali.Perfect Organic Virgin Coconut Oil. I designed this label. High quality, good for dishes and body care. I love this!!

バリのオーガニック ヴァージンココナッツオイル。ココナッツの実を素朴な製法で絞るだけの極上オイル。ラベルデザインをさせていただいた Good day's から新発売!この小さなボトルひとつがちょうど実一個分なんだって!

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